Born into adversity, Grace, an African American artist, embarked on an extraordinary journey at the tender age of 6 when he fled a tumultuous home life marred by abuse and neglect. Fate led him to an unexpected place of love and belonging, as he was adopted by a Korean family in the vibrant backdrop of Honolulu, Hawaii. This is where Grace's artistic journey took flight, sparked by the discovery of graffiti art.
Since those formative years, Grace has charted a luminous path through the diverse realms of artistic expression. His canvas knows no boundaries, encompassing graffiti, tattooing, music, and photography. Drawing profound inspiration from the tapestry of his life, Grace mines his childhood experiences, from the trials of homelessness to the heartache of losing a cherished friend, as well as the enduring love of friends and family. His work brilliantly reflects the essence of the human experience.
When he's not etching ink into flesh or capturing moments through the lens of his camera, Grace's life is an ever-rolling tapestry of exploration. He crisscrosses the globe, adorning walls with his murals, a testament to his boundless creativity. Grace is an active participant in the vibrant world of art festivals, including the electrifying Pow Wow and a host of mural events.
Notably, Grace serves as the understudy of the acclaimed artist Tristan Eaton, an apprenticeship that has seen him collaborate on remarkable mural projects in Texas and Los Angeles. Grace's artistic footprint extends across urban landscapes, from the sun-soaked streets of Honolulu, Hawaii, to the bustling metropolises of Los Angeles, New York City, Miami, Texas, and Detroit.
In the vivid tapestry of his life and artistry, Grace's work resonates as a testament to resilience, creativity, and the power of transformation.